
20 september 2022

Green Party | 30th Anniversary

Central Square, West Sector

It’s 30 Years of History. It’s 30 Years of Quinta da Fonte 🍃

Green Party | 30th Anniversary

The Green Party is the celebration of sustainability and mobility at Quinta da Fonte! 🌿 In order to introduce the topic in style, nothing like some laughs to discuss matters so important for the quality of life at the Park, so we challenged Eduardo Madeira to come and talk about it!

Here’s our program for Quinta da Fonte’s 30th Anniversary Event! 🌿
3 days of music, food trucks, shows, special performances, guest brands and several surprises!


Check our program for the first day!

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12h00 Central Square Opening Central Square
13h00 Stand Up – Eduardo Madeira Central Square
14h00 Mobility x BOLT Event Central Square

1st Day | Green Party

And so was the Green Party: in good company, with lots of entertainment, music, food trucks, gifts, and many hats! We kicked off the celebrations yesterday, with Central Square brimming with visitors and we were just getting started…

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